Joynus Care是文化之間的桥梁,我们对提高生活质量和生活乐趣充满热情。
在医疗保健中,患者和医者之間的沟通对于正确的诊断和充足的治疗至关重要。清晰的沟通还可以增加患者在患者治疗和长期健康计划中的参与与合作。清晰的沟通可以对患者健康的成功产生巨大的影响。使用口译员和翻译员是打破沟通障碍的良好起点,但是语言并不是我們交流的唯一方式。成功的沟通还必須承认文化差异。理解文化对于清晰沟通至关重要。Joynus Care认为我们所有人都來自不同的文化背景,它影响了我们相互交流和理解的方式。我们致力于在不同文化之間架起一座桥梁,以改善社区的健康状况。
Joynus Care began providing services in March 2014,We saw a need, particularly in the Asian population,in Georgia for care that recognized the diversity in our state. Since 2014, Joynus Care has made it a priority to listen to our clients' and provide services sensitive to their cultural needs and preferences.
Joynus Care is made up of a caring team of individuals with backgrounds in nursing, public health, gerontology, and other health-related fields. Our caregivers are certified and trained based on requirements set by the State of Georgia.